Terrible name, amazing game. It’s all in the wrist they say. Pairs well with steely-eyed marksmanship and a flair for the heroic.
- 2 boards
- 8 bags (4 green, 4 white)
- Two teams of 1 or 2 players each
- Boards are placed facing each other at opposite ends of court
- 1-on-1 players stand on same end of court
- 2-on-2 teams have one player on each side
- Teams throw all 8 bags in an “Inning” and then switch sides
- Toss bags into the hole or onto the board to score points
- First to 21 wins
House Rules
- Coin toss winner goes first
- Players alternate turns tossing all four bags
- Bags must be thrown underhand and thrower cannot step beyond their own board
- After each team has pitched four bags, teams take score – that completes an “inning”
- Team that wins the inning starts the next one
- Teams switch ends between innings
- The team with the higher score earns the difference in points between the two teams
- Example: Team A scores 5 points and Team B scores 2 points. Team A is awarded 3. Team B is awarded 0 points
- First to 21 or more wins; no need to win by 2
- 3pt – Bag in the hole
- 1pt – Bag on the board
- 1pt – Hanging bags (over hole or edge)
- 0pt – Bags touching ground