Like bocce on ice, curling is a game of precision … just using a big stone with a handle instead of a tiny ball. It’s all about sliding (not into DMs).
Eight (8) curling stones – one set of four stones per team
Curling sheet (the ice lane where the stones are thrown)
Teams of 1 player or 2 players each
The stones are lined up off the ice at the near end in two lines of four stones – one for each team
The scoreboard is set to zero
The sheet is swept of any debris
Each team throws from the same side of the curling sheet
Get your stones closest to the center of the target (the “button”) to score points
House Rules
- Flip a coin to decide who goes first
Teams alternate taking turns sliding one of their stones towards the target area (called the “house”)
Stones should be delivered with a smooth release, no pushing or throwing stones. Slide the stone straight or give it a spin for a curve called a “curl”
Teams do not sweep in front of stones in this version of curling. No brooms allowed during play
If a stone touches the back wall of the sheet, it is “dead” and should be removed from play
Stones are allowed to touch and bounce off the side walls of the sheet
If a stone goes off the ice, it is out of play – no re-dos
After all stones are thrown (called an “end”), tally up the points
Only one team scores during each end
The stone closest to the center dot of the target (called the “button”) scores 1 point
The team closest to the button scores 1 additional point for each stone closer to the button than the other team’s nearest stone
Update the scoreboard after each end
After 8 ends, the team with the most points wins
In the case of tie after 8 ends, teams play one tie-breaking end